Marco is the main logo of happy kitties, he likes fish and milk, he doesn't like rain or people, the typical cat.
keep your valuables safe around Eloise, she steals anything that interest her and is good at it. She has been reading The Lord Of The Rings recently and her most relatable character is Gollum. My precious!
Floof lives in a bowl and whenever someone tries playing a game around him he will end their game and go back to reading in his bowl.
Fluffy calls himself Fluffy because he wants people to think he is just poofy and not fat, but he can never say no to a big bowl of food, and a roast beef can never go astray.
William will always have a gift in his hands, I'm not saying much but all I can say is that I hope you 'aint squeamish
Bob lives in a box and will never come out apart for a bigger box or food or blankets. Otherwise he's staying in his box and that's that.
Prince Crump
Prince Crump likes when people cry and is sad when people smile, humanity is not enough for the Princes high expectations
Clyde likes Catnip, just catnip.
Fred loves the beach and has a private island just for sunbathing. He lives in the Uk and hates it because it is never sunny.
Donald is absolutely terrified by water but always end up in a bath or a shower and it always rains when he is outside.
NO! John is a human and laughs all the time, he also waters his plants all the time. He should not be on here and he is horrible.
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